All Projects

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Hotel Reservation

A website for booking hotel rooms online and by telephone. Built with React js and Contentful headless CMS to store the data. I also use styled component to style the front end.

HTML & CSSReact jsContentful CMS
Featured Project

Github Profile

A nicer look at your GitHub profile and repository stats with data visualizations of your top languages and stars. Sort through your top repos by number of stars and forks.

React jsGithub APIFusion ChartsStyled Components
Featured Project

Covid 19 Tracker

A website that provides information about covid 19 cases around the world. The data sourced from api and displayed in chart form with chart.js.

React jsMaterializeDisease APIChart.js
Featured Project

Portfolio v3

Third iteration of my personal portfolio website. Built with classic HTML, S(CSS) and Javascript, hosted with github pages.

Featured Project

Netflix Clone

A Netflix clone built using React and TMDb Api. You can also watch the movie trailer that is linked directly via youtube (if trailer available).

React jsTMDb API
Featured Project

Github Job Finder

A nicer look to find a job from github. A website that works with the GitHub Jobs API that includes search, filter, pagination, etc.

React jsBootstrapGithub API
Featured Project

Portfolio v2

Second iteration of my personal website. Developed with a conscious effort to avoid using any superfluous frameworks like Bootstrap.

Featured Project

Portfolio v1

My first portfolio website. Since then, I think my web development and design skills have improved immensely.